Meet Your Certified RV Inspector and Technician

Aric Ellis

NRVIA Certified Inspector - Member # 3837
RVTAA Registered Technician - Member # 2898

Aric Ellis, RV Trek Owner
NRVIA Certified Inspector Seal

Hello fellow RV’ers! I was in the software industry for over twenty-five years, but my passion for RV’ing and ultralight aviation changed my life. I began traveling around the country attending aviation events and then started exploring the country. The more I traveled, the more RV travel suited my lifestyle.

That long career I mentioned? I left it! I decided to become a inspector and registered technician at the National RV Training Academy (NRVTA) in Athens, Texas.

I am proud to be certified by the National RV Inspection Association (NRVIA) who has the highest integrity and ethics standards that I have seen in the RV industry.

After completing my training and certification I began focusing on inspecting new and used RV’s of all classes. My favorite part of this industry is meeting people like you and ensuring you have the right information in hand, so you can confidently decide whether your dream RV is the right purchase for you.


Certified German Shepherd and Ball Chaser
Chief Executive Dog

Chief Executive Dog

Hello hoomans! My name is Klaus and I’m a 90 pound German Shepherd! I supervise my dad and make sure he does a great job for his customers.

My hobbies are going camping, chasing my ball, and playing tug. I am a very good boy and love meeting new people and playing gently with little kids.

I love chasing deer, squirrels, and Amazon delivery drivers.

If you see me traveling with dad, be sure to say hello and pet me…and please bring treats, lots of treats!